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Savage Lyfe Customizations tells the story of a caterpillar going through a metamorphosis. It wraps itself in a cocoon and blooms into something both beautiful and fearful. Each work is a conversation piece that provokes thought and awakens the viewer. Just like the city of Grand Rapids, Savage Lyfe Customs is always evolving and  transforming into a work of art; a journey through a looking glass that’s filled with treasure.

Our pieces are one of a kind and can’t be duplicated. It’s edgy. It’s creative. It’s powerful and speaks to the viewer’s mind in concepts, riddles and clues. Our work speaks to the uniqueness in each individual and highlights the beautiful and bold colors within. 

Savage Lyfe Customs is a feeling – a primal rebellion, a rage against the machines. In a world that offers two options “to fight or take flight,” we choose to fight. We welcome people from all walks of life to be courageous, fearless and take risks.

Our mission is to bring you art that dares you to be different and urban streetwear you can be proud of wearing and allows you to face your fears, embrace your true self, be stylish, and step outside the box.

“I want my art to inspire you to break out of routine, be bold, and be different. I want my art and clothing to be conversation pieces and it’s dope if others can communicate through my art.”

-The Artist

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